Saturday, July 25, 2009

My weird sense of humor at work.

I'm working tonight and I keep getting reports from this one nurse over and over. She is dictating for a lot of people who are going in for hip and knee replacements and she frequently mentions something she calls "SCD stockings". They are sequential compression devices for the legs that inflate and deflate in a rhythm and keep people from getting blood clots in their legs. I've never really heard them called SCD stockings before and my word expansion software is not prepared for this abbreviation either. I am too lazy to turn off my software every time she says this. Supposedly I can push the control key and stop the expansion, but that only works about half the time. I'm telling you all this, to tell you this one funny thing that I keep accidentally typing.

"We ordered SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH stockings for the patient."
(Because I'm trying to capitalize the abbreviation, the whole phrase gets capitalized like that)

I don't believe I want to wear those, thanks.

For some reason, this seems funny to me. Maybe it's just because I'm so tired!

1 comment:

Mother Mayhem said...

Snort. I'm not interested in a pair of those either.


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