Sunday, July 19, 2009


We are finished painting the walls and the countertops!  This picture shows a little bit of the tan colored wall, a bit of the white wall we were covering up and the blue countertops.  (In my defense, when we built the house and I chose these countertops, I was choosing the lesser of several evils.  There was nothing I liked.)
The countertop paint smelled horrible, but if it works and stays on, I'll forgive it.  It certainly looks better.  In fact, it looks like chocolate, which isn't what I was going for (I wanted black, but it wasn't available in the countertop paint!), but I like it.  Hopefully, it won't make me crave chocolate more than I already do.  (Is that even possible?)   In this picture, it's still wet looking and there's still painting tape up and the outlet covers aren't on.  I didn't do any panoramic shots of the whole room, because it is a total mess.  

Anyway, we're done and just need to decide what to do about the floor.  It's another one of those builder choices where I didn't like any of them.  11 years later, I could not hate it more.   As you can tell, I left the wallpaper border up.  I kind of wanted to take it down, but kind of didn't want to work that hard, so I left it up.  It's kind of country, but hey, we are too.  (Also lazy.)


we're done!


1 comment:

Mother Mayhem said...

Looks good to me! Too bad Willy Wonka doesn't make the paint. :o)


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