Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Ennui:  a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Board Games.

We're still playing board games in our homeschool group every other week.   It's been a lot of fun.  From what I can tell from reading back pages of my blog, we've been doing this for 3 years or so.  Along the way, some kids have joined and some have moved away or just quit coming, and we've picked up some from the board game store where we meet.  We usually have 7 or 8.  It's a decent sized group and the kids have made some real friendships.  I debate sometimes dropping my involvement, but I do seem necessary in some ways, as the hostess, bringing the snacks and making sure we have a place to meet.  The game store keeps changing their hours and the library rooms are often booked on the nights we need to meet, so it is a challenge.  I'm not sure where we are going to meet in 2 weeks since we were doing Monday nights and my son scheduled himself for a Monday night class.  He is the leader of the group.  He gets a game on the table and keeps things moving along.  We only have 2 1/2 hours every other week, so we want to get as many games played as possible. 

Favorites include Werewolf, Superfight, Concept, The Resistance, Coup, Love Letter and Saboteur.  Last week we added A Fake Artist Goes to New York and Spyfall 2.  Old favorites like Dutch Blitz and Clue sometimes show up on the table as well.  Most of the games for a smaller number of players are not played as often because they like to play together and rarely split the group into 2.  We recently divided our game bags into 4 players or less and 4 players and above bags, but then we went on vacation and pulled a few out and messed it up.  I need to reorganize them soon. 

Even with all the scheduling annoyances, it's been a good experience and I'm glad we started it. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

I've just been at work.

Work.  Work.  Work.   Everyone has taken a vacation in July so I've been covering for everybody.  This is my first day off in quite a while and what did I do, I caught a virus.  I went to the doctor today and that's about all I've accomplished.  My kids were running around getting things done though.  The oldest and his wife are moving away from us (sob!) next week so they brought us some furniture and while they were here, took some of our old furniture to Goodwill.  Then they went out and picked all the peaches off our peach tree.  They look green, but they are really tasty.  We've had that tree for years and haven't ever gotten to eat any of the peaches, so we are thrilled.

We took a vacation last week to Gatlinburg and all 6 of us got to go, so that was fun - a little bit of family time before they move.  Needless to say, with work and vacation, all the plans we had for the house have not been done.   They're still here waiting for us. 


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