I added a cooking class to our homeschool this year, which basically means that the kids cook on Fridays. Sometimes they cook a meal and sometimes just a dessert. Since I discovered the
A Year of Slow Cooking blog, I've been loading the crockpots full several times a week and this Friday there wasn't much of a need for the kids to cook another meal, so they made chocolate chip cookies and since we didn't have any chocolate chips, they cut up left-over-from-Halloween fun size Snickers. I applaud this kind of innovation. Wow did they smell and look good! Too gluten-y for me though, unfortunately. Then on Saturday, we had kind of an impromptu cooking class again. We cooked, peeled and pied our sweet potato crop. We are very proud that we grew our own potatoes this year and made 3 pies, 2 with crust and 1 without.
My youngest does not feel that he needs cooking class. He can already make cold cereal, pancakes, waffles and toad-in-a-hole
(egg mixed with ham, fried in a skillet, inside a piece of bread that you've torn a hole in). Regarding cooking on Friday, he said "I can already cook myself breakfast and for lunch and dinner, I'll just have banquets." To which I replied "Banquets?" picturing fancy feasts with a lot of people.
"Yes" he said, pulling the box out of the freezer.
LOL.....at your youngest & his 'Banquets'! :-)
We made an apple pie today as a cooking project. Violet and her girlfriend are working on some Girl Scout projects together and everything they pick to do has to do with cooking. But Violet does make her own Banquet meals from time to time. Her favorite are mac and cheese and spaghetti and meatballs.
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