I have a store on Cafepress that I'm very proud of. I design gifts for grandparents. It all started when my oldest child was born and my mom chose to be called Grandma and my dad chose to be called Granddad. There are products all over the place for Grandmas. Things that say Grandma's house and I heart Grandma, but very little for Granddad. My husband's parents are called Popaw and Memaw. They are even more difficult to find things for. I figured I couldn't be the only one who had that problem, so I made a store on Cafepress for every grandparent name I ever heard of, just about. I do know a family that calls the grandma Gongi and I don't have that one yet, but I might one of these days! Here is a link to the store.
Here are some of the grandparent nicknames I have:
Abba, Ajji, Abuela, Abuelo, Abuelita, Abuelito, Baba, Babcia, Babci, Babka, Babushka, Bamma, Bestemor, Bompa, Bop Bop, Bubbe, Bubby, Bunia, Da, Dziadzia, Dziadzio, Gram, Granddad, Great Nana, New Grandparent 2007, Great Papa, Gaga, Gammy, Gamps, Gampy, G-Dad, G.G., G-Ma, Geegee, Gigi, Glam-ma, Glamma, G-Mom, G-Pa, G-Paw, Granny, Gramma, Grampa, Gramp, Grampster, Grampy, Gran, Granddaddy, Grand-Dad, Grand-Dude, Grandpap, Grandpop, Grandmama, Granna, Grandpere, Great Grandma, Great Grandpa, Grumpa, Gramps, Grammie, Grampie, Nana, Memere, Nona, Kapuna, Lita, Lito, Mami, Mamaw, Mamie, Me-Maw, Mayme, Meema, Meemaw, Mema, Memaw, Meme, Memere, Mimi, Mom-Mom, Momaw, Nan, Nanny, Nonna, Nonnie, Pappy, Oma, Opa, Papi, Pepe, Popaw, Papa, Pop, Poppa, Popi, Pop-Paw, Pap-Paw, Paps, Pap, Papaw, Pawpaw, Peepaw, Pepere, Pop Pop, Pops, Poppo, Poppy, Poppie, Vovo, Yaya, Zayde, Zaydeh.
Okay, I'm done now. Back to our regularly scheduled blogging.
PS: Amy, I now have a few products with "Maw" on them.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled blogging.
Wow! I never knew there were so many names to call your grandparents! What would you choose?
I had a Mamaw and Papaw.
Grandma was what my dad's mom was called.
Well, I see you have Me-Maw, but you don't have what MY kids call my mom......just Maw. My dad was Pop & DH's folks are Granny & Papaw.
Amy, I'm glad you pointed that out. I'll try and get something on their for the grandmothers who go by Maw.
If I ever become a grandma, I don't know what I'll want to be called. I kind of like Grammy.
This is great. Unfortunately, my parents are called Mommie Anne and Papa Dan (my maternal grandparents were Mama Stella and Daddy Bill), but it's still a great idea (my MIL and FIL names are on your list!).
I like Nana...that's what I want to be called one day in the FAR FUTURE..haha!!!
Going to look at your stuff for Christmas ideas!!!
My dad goes by Grandda (we're Irish, so he's Da to me, so it made sense), and my son calls my grandmother Grandma Great (because I'd always call her Grandma and then correct myself... both he and my grandmother decided they liked his way of combining the two).
Great idea for a store, as I've had the same problem myself!
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