Randi over at I Have to Say is hosting an event called "Back to homeschool week" I'm going to try to do it every day on my blog next week. We are actually going to start school next Wednesday if everything goes okay so this is really an appropriate time to think about why we're doing this!
Here's the rules and everything that I copied from Randi's blog.
"Next week, here on my blog, I will be hosting "Back to Homeschool Week". There is a topic for each day and my hope is that my fellow homeschoolers here in the blogosphere will participate by posting their own experiences on their blogs. This is the time of the year that our thoughts begin to turn towards curriculum, planning and scheduling, and I thought that gathering together to encourage one another would be beneficial all of us.
Below is the list of topics for the week. I tried to keep the topics broad so that way we will have lots of different ideas and things to discuss. You may participate for all five days or just for one. Whatever you have time for.
Monday, August 6---What led to your decision to homeschool?
Why do you do what you do? What brought you to homeschooling? What factors played a part in your decision?
Tuesday, August 7---How do you homeschool?
Scheduling, classical education, unschooling, getting the kids to help with chores, how to be "mom" and "teacher" at the same time, special needs, teaching an advanced child, how to teach the tough subjects, teaching high school, teaching with babies and preschoolers in the house, budgeting for homeschool supplies, notebooking, etc., etc., etc...
Wednesday, August 8---Getting out there...
Extra-curricular activities, community involvement, volunteering, sports teams, music lessons, making sure your kids have opportunities to be social, co-ops, etc., etc., etc...
Thursday, August 9---If I had only known...
What have you learned on your homeschooling journey? What would you/did you change? This is an opportunity to encourage others who are just starting out or who are struggling with issues that seem unsolvable. It is also a perfect opportunity to tell us about one of those days made you want to throw in the towel. A funny story? Perfect!
Friday, August 10---Curriculum
What curriculum do you use? Where do you buy it? Have you found a "gem" that you must share with others? Was something in particular a complete failure for you and your kids?
Please feel free to post the graphic on your blog so that the word will spread to others. You can either download the image to your own computer or you can email me for the code. My email link is on the left sidebar or you can leave me a comment with your email address listed.
You may also feel free to cut-and-paste any part of this post into your own blog post so that others know what it going on. In each of my posts next week, I will have an auto-link so that you can link your own post from mine.
Because I know that opinions abound when it comes to homeschooling, I would hope to see everyone using this forum to encourage others, rather than to prove a point. My hope is that Back to Homeschool Week will provide someone with new insight and strength on their homeschooling journey.
I hope to see you next week!?
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