Friday, March 25, 2005

Funny kids.

Kids are such total characters. My youngest is so funny. He’s like a walking, talking punch line.. He used to do stand up in his crib. He’d say “Mommy come here, I want to tell you a joke”. Then I’d come in there and he’d say “Monkeying around” and collapse in his bed laughing. He’s just a natural comic.

When Dan was little, he used get words mixed up sometimes, as all kids do. He went through a period of time when he would say the word “okay” in stead of yes. He never used the word yes. Just okay. We had some interesting conversations. He’d come to me and say “Pop tart.” I’d say, “Do you want a poptart?” and he’d say “okay”., like I had convinced him that a pop tart would be good.

He also substituted the phrase “I can’t” for anything negative. One day, we had squash for dinner. He tried it and said “I can’t like this new stuff.”

Its funny how they take things sometimes. When my husband first got a cell phone, Dan was two. My husband called his brother on the phone, just to make sure it worked. Dan came sidling over to me and said in a whisper “Daddy’s talking to the remote.”

Another story regarding electronics: My oldest son has an electronic hangman game. You try to guess the letters and if you guess wrong, a head appears, followed by a body, etc. When Dan first started playing this game, he was not reading yet. He loved this game, though. He called it “Build a cowboy”.

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