I need to get some things done today, the most important thing is I need to go to the doctor for this latest thing I have. Then everything else will have to fall in place around that. Also I have to postpone another appointment, find out when my mom's pain clinic appointment is and try to get everything else arranged around that for August and file 4H state fair paperwork if my kids want to sell things for the 4H Microbusiness Club, drop off the library books, mail some packages, cook meals for the next 3 days, contact a realtor about selling my mom's house, go pick up my mom's VA paperwork and go look at a car.
Over the weekend, I started feeling overwhelmed at not getting anything done and so despite having this illness whatever it may be with a fever of over 100 all weekend, I got groceries, cooked at least 1 full meal, went to walmart, got my son some socks that he needed (but didn't like and ended up giving to his younger brother), made a poster for VBS, went to church, picked up the fair entries (3 championship ribbons!) and took my aunt to visit my mom. Sometimes the need to just check things off the list is overwhelming and I need to take advantage when it is, because sometimes I am just plain apathetic about it all. :-P
As a bribe for the 4H fair entries, I told my daughter if she'd enter more of her crafts, I would enter one of mine and I won a red ribbon and I also won a cash prize of 4 dollars. Fun!
The VBS poster. |
My entry. |
My temperature. I'm a hottie. |
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