Monday, January 29, 2007

I like Mondays.

Unlike a large part of the working population, I like Mondays. It's because I'm off from work on Monday. I worked a lot over the weekend and it is good to not have to work today. I'm taking care of a few loose ends around here, cleaning, blogging and making phone calls. I'm calling to enroll the kids in free 4H classes. Did you know that, at least in Kentucky, you can enroll your kids in 4H as independents and they don't have to be part of a club? We don't have a club to be a part of so we're doing the independent thing. This spring, our local 4H is offering classes in woodworking, photography, electricity, crocheting, knitting and quilting among others. I think it's kind of cool. This will be our first try doing the classes and it looks to be fun.

I'm also determined to start back on notebooking and I have added a time for it to Monday's lists. Hopefully, we'll get some good notebook pages made and I can share them on here.

Reason I'm glad we're homeschooling for today:
My boys are getting to take a class together. We would have never thought of doing it if they were in school but they said whichever class they take, woodworking or electricity, they want to take it together. Cool.


Lynn said...

Our 4H doesn't offer classes like that, I wish they did, it sounds so cool!
Jack just saw the hotdog picture, he said it's a "hoctopus."

Lisa said...

Cool. ;o)

Fatcat said...

Hoctopus is a cute name for it!


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