We're hanging in there, I guess. We are still learning about the ocean. We got a Blue Planet video from Netflix yesterday and watched that as a part of school. It was facinating. We also did start with the notebooking on Monday and that went okay. One of my children didn't like it because he doesn't like change, but he finally did it anyway. We'll do some more today. I'm doing pretty well with my morning "Motivating Mama" list and the kids have been doing pretty well with their lists too. The older 2 do their lists and check everything off without (usually) needing to be reminded much. We're still working with the youngest. I think the checklist system of schooling works best for us as a family, especially with me needing to work as well. Everybody except Dad has a list of things that they have to do each day and now that I mention it, maybe he needs one too. Hmmm.
Yesterday was my Dad's birthday and this is the hat we gave him. It's from my store on Cafepress.