I've mentioned before that our dog Max is a former shelter dog who has come to us with some fears, namely, brooms, sticks, balls, balloons (anything inflated) and pool noodles. After VBS my son brought home and inflatable dog toy that he won as a prize. He told me that Max was scared of it and said that it was a quadruple whammy for Max. I asked what he meant and he he said that 1. It's inflatable. 2. It's another dog. 3. The other dog is holding a (eeek!) ball and 4. It has a whistle on it. I don't think Max is actually afraid of whistles I think he just hates them for the same reason I do, they're loud and annoying. Anyway, the inflatable dog has been banished to the kid's bedroom where Max doesn't usually go, so the poor dog can have a little peace. He's already had a traumatic week with getting his ears cleaned and his nails trimmed and now we've gotten a new kitten ...
poor Max!