This is our little planter box. We planted seeds in it last week and look what happened this week! It has been fun to go and check it every day. You can tell it is in my daughter's room by all the toys ... and you can tell I took the photo because I have a knack for getting my toes in pictures. I used to do it all the time when I was a kid taking pictures of my cats and it seems I still do it! Not my thumb, that would be too normal!
Wow! What a lot of growth in a little time! I think we need to start some seeds, but that means I need to go buy some. Do the seeds get sun all day? BTW, too funny about your toes. :-)
They've even grown more today. They are getting southwest sun exposure pretty much all day.
What kind of plants are they? *Cute toes*
I'd like to do that with my son. what supplies do we need?
By the way, I just started a Kindergarten homeschool blog.
We have all kinds of plants in there! I got the planter at Wal-Mart for under 4.00. I got the seeds at dollar tree for 10 cents a pack. The kids and I made a map of what is in the planter. It includes Zinnias, marigolds, petunias, bachelor buttons, sweet williams, pumpkins, iceburg lettuce, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, pumpkin and all kinds of other things. The kids were in charge of the planting what went where. In a couple of the pots, the kids planted "mystery plants". They know what they are, but I'm supposed to guess!
All we did otherwise was water it! No fertilizer of any kind was used.
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