Wednesday, March 14, 2018

More March.

Remus (my grand-dog) before his recent hair cut.
March is marching right on and we're halfway through.  Youngest son is on spring break and I'm hoping that he will get some things done around the house that need to get done.  Our garbage service will pick up bulky items this month so I'm hoping that he will get the bulky items from the last year to the end of the driveway so that they can be taken away.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love the work of the trash collectors?  When we were first married, the system was that we had to take our trash to the dump ourselves.  We had no garbage collection here and now that we have it, I am so, so, grateful for it.  Also, we didn't have city water or phone service when we moved here.  We're not as old as this sounds, but we moved to a very rural area and it took a while to get everything here.  We still can't get cable TV, but we really don't want it.  
Anyway, I digress, back to March.  I'm hanging in there at work.  It's less stressful since one of the people left the office for another location.   I'm still getting used to the pathology specific terminology and the computer system but I'm starting to not feel completely stupid all the time, which is a good thing.  :-)  
A recent game of Hero-scape after Monday Night Dinner.  
Our daughter is supposed to work at her old job for a couple of weeks in April, but they actually called her to come in this week and be a sub for someone who is out with the flu so she's working this week as well.  I'm hoping that old flu is over soon. It's been a bad flu season this year.  The youngest 2 of our kids went to Comicon last weekend.  I enjoyed hearing about it and living vicariously through them a little bit, but as much as their feet were hurting that night and the next day, I'm glad I didn't go.  
Kentucky castle on the way to Comicon.  Click on the picture to enlarge it so you can actually see it.  
Oldest son and his wife were thinking they'd have to move out of their house-sitting situation pretty soon, but they got that worked out and they are staying near us.  I'm happy about that.  They come over on Monday nights so we get to see them often.  It's wonderful.  
We've had several small snows this winter including a couple this week.  These were the kind that did not obstruct driving, but just looked pretty --- exactly the kind of snow I like.  We've been playing a lot of board games at home and with friends.  We had our homeschool board game group last night.  Somehow along the way, we've picked up a few that aren't homeschooled, but they fit right in and contrary to popular belief, homeschoolers are good at socializing, so we've been having a good time.  We had a nice sized group of 8 last night which was perfect for dividing into 2 teams and playing some of the smaller player number games.  Good times.


Cosmo and Remus in the snow.

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