Monday, June 22, 2020

Getting back into a routine.

I'm back at work and working 2-3 days a week.   It's nice not to have to work all the time, but I do struggle a bit with it, because every day I'm not there, I know I need to do coding.  The test is looming and I need to actually learn to code.  So far, in this course I've been doing for 8 months, I feel that I have learned very little.  It is a very poorly designed course.  I hate it.  I know that my learning style does not mesh with their "teaching" style (if you can call it that).   I pray that I will pass the test just so I can be free from it, because if I don't pass, I will feel like I have to study some more and do a second attempt.  I've already paid for a second attempt, actually, it came with th package.   So there you go.  I'm praying I'll be able to pass and be freed from the all the time either studying or feeling guilty for not studying.

This was a good weekend.  Our son called and we got to talk to him a bit.  I met a friend at a picnic pavilion and sat and talked for 4 hours!   I finished the next-to-last chapter of stupid busywork that doesn't really teach me coding and printed out the last chapter which is only a few pages.  So the end is in sight.   I got some time outside with the cats this weekend and was mosquito-free, thanks to some new mosquito traps that we bought (on the recommendation of our Mississippi daughter-in-law).   We ordered takeout for father's day and enjoyed it together last night.  That was great! 

I'm still missing Freckles quite a bit, so there's that and I did feel a bit crabby towards the end of the weekend, but I think most of that is because I'm on the early morning shift on Mondays now and have to get up at 4:30.   Blah.    I'll need to listen to praise music and cheer myself up on the way to work, that's for sure. 

Happy Monday! 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Still alive!

I had some kind of weird, weird virus and a UTI and have felt so, so bad the last few days.  I had a fever of 100-101 for 4 days, sweating the whole time, but it has finally subsided.  Thank goodness.  I still feel bad and weak, but the fever is gone and I've been cleared by employee health at my company to go back to work tomorrow.   (yay)   I'm so glad that's over.  My quarantine time of 48 hours alone in my bedroom while waiting for the test to be back has taught me some fear/respect for this virus and what it can do to your life so I'm not feeling anxious anymore to get back out there.  I'm sure my need to see people will be strong again soon and I'll get out there, but I tell you, it put the fear into me.  I'm going to appreciate being able to socialize with my 3 people, my dog and 6 cats here at home for a while! 

Friday, June 12, 2020


I got up Wednesday feeling okay but then sometime during the day, things went downhill.  I started throwing up and I started having really bad muscle aches and pains.  I guess it's a muscle ache, I don't know.  My back hurts in a very strange way and sometimes my neck and sometimes my head.  My temperature ranges from 99.9 under my arm, to 100.7.   So, I had to call my job and let them know that I couldn't come into work and according to their protocols, I had to be Covid-19 tested and quarantine myself until I get the results back in 3-5 days.  So I'm in my bedroom.   All the time now.   I'm trying to stay sane by making a to-do list, even a small one, to feel like I'm accomplishing something.  My family brings me food and occasionally someone will come to the door and talk to me for a minute.   My sickness was ill-timed because it was my sons' birthday yesterday and he was going to have friends over, just a few, to celebrate.  I feel so bad about that.   No telling how long it will be before he gets to see his friends again now, especially if I have already spread this to my family.   So, fun times.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Another good homeschooling article / compliation.

This is people's true stories of homeschooling.   I haven't read it all yet, but what I have read is compelling. 

Friday, June 05, 2020


Life just marches on.  We're a 1 dog family now but we're doing okay, I guess.  My daughter and I got hit with a deadline on our medical coding course, which I guess is a good thing, or we'd just keep studying forever and never get done.  We have to finish by the end of August, so we've scheduled our test and we are studying in earnest, trying to get a basic understanding of coding, which is not easy.  The material is hard and the way that the course is set up is not good.  I hate the whole process but this is what I get to do, every day off of work, from now until August 22.  Joy.   Maybe at some point, I will get a better grasp on it and it won't be such a struggle.   At least at some point, it will be over.  I guess.  I don't know how many times I will attempt the test if I can't pass it on the 2 I've already paid for.  I may just decide to do something else entirely.   We'll see. 

My co-worker is back to work and I had my long-awaited 3 days off this week and I'm heading back to work today for 1 day, then the weekend!  Thank goodness.  I needed a break very badly. 


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