I'm not sure how many people actually attended our rehearsal dinner. Originally, there were supposed to be around 60 (including out of town and out of country relatives) but right before we left on the trip, as far as I knew, the number was supposed to be 54. We did have a few extras that weren't in this number, but I think the final number was still in the 50s someplace. I'm not sure. I wish that someone had done a head count.
What we served was 5 pork loins, cooked, shredded and with barbecue sauce.
8 bottles of Sweet Baby Ray barbecue sauce.
120 buns.
140 drinks.
3 jars of pickles.
4 containers of Walmart coleslaw.
3 large gallon cans of green beans.
4 large bags of potato chips.
6 cakes. (I was expecting many people who were not in the wedding to come and have cake with us after the actual dinner. More on this later.)
What they ate:
2/3 of the pork.
2/3 of the buns (maybe)
Approximately 120 drinks.
2 jars of pickles.
1 container of coleslaw.
1/2 of the green beans.
2 of the cakes.
part of 2 bags of chips. 2 were unopened.
So to feed 50 to 60 people, you'd need
3 1/3 pork loins
Maybe 80 buns.
5 jars barbecue sauce
2 jars of pickles
2 bags of chips
1-2 packs of coleslaw. (get this someplace other than Walmart, it was not good.)
1 gallon can of green beans.
2 cakes.
and if it is summertime in Alabama, lots of drinks.

One reason we had so much food left over is that, I had this horrible fear that I wouldn't have enough, plus apparently everyone I asked about how much food to bring also had this fear because I bought what they advised and sometimes bought less. Thankfully, my daughter kept encouraging me to buy less not more and she was right. Next time I really just need to listen to her. Another reason we had so much food left over is that no one could find the pavilion where we were. There are no maps of the park online that anyone could find, just maps to the park and then you're on your own unless you actually find the lodge or the country store and get a map of the park. Also, there is NO PHONE SERVICE for any carrier anywhere in this park, so we couldn't contact anyone to tell them where we were or to invite them. It was extremely frustrating. I hated it because I really wanted several of my family members to be there and they didn't make it. The wedding photographer and the matron of honor had put together an awesome slide show and I hate that some of my family members missed it. :-/ Oh well. That's life. More about some of our wedding challenges in my next post. Big events like this rarely go off without a hitch and this one certainly didn't. Stay tuned.