Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Tooth Fairy.

Last night my son lost a tooth and put it under his pillow but the tooth fairy didn't come. Sometimes at our house, she does this. It can take up to a week. Is she this slow in other households?


  1. Our Tooth Fairy is almost always late. Usually she shows up on night #2. Sometimes she is late because she fell asleep early or because she was afraid to enter the room for fear of stubbing her toe on left-out toys. If the Tooth Fairy is late, Daddy says he'll talk to her and then she brings double the money. Our Tooth Fairy brings a dollar so that means two dollars when she late.

  2. Yikes! Sometimes here, she would have had to bring $4.00. Our tooth fairy must be in a different union than yours, because she doesn't seem to have that rule. She brought $1.00 last night, a day late, but the boy is happy.

  3. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Our toothfairy isn't unionized, so she only brings 50 cents, even when she is late, which happens often. I tell the kids, "Oops, Daddy must have forgotten to call her!"

  4. Well, Daddy is sympathetic to crying children. My own Daddy says it's highway robbery; he only got a nickel when he was a kid in the 50's. My own tooth fairy was super special: she only left silver dollars and she was never late. Alas, I spent them all on a Cabbage Patch doll before I had sense.
