Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Chicken Song.

The other day, the kids and I went to fill up the van with gas. I like to pay by credit card so I don't have to go into the store and I can leave the kids in the car. They asked to leave the music on in the van. It just so happens that we were listening (again) to an old Ray Stevens tape. He has a song in which he and the members of his band cluck like chickens the for the entire song. There are no other lyrics. My younger two kids really like this song. Anyway, I'm pumping gas, the kids are in the van listening. A woman I went to high school with drove up and started pumping gas next to me. I said hello and then opened up the door of the van to put my credit card back in my purse. A huge wave of sound comes out of the van when I open the door and you can hear the 'bock, bock, bock' of the chicken song blasting in my van. The windows of the van are tinted in the back, so I don't know if she knows I had kids in the car. I hope she did. I am so never going to a high school reunion!

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