Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I'm ready to start school again.

We were moving in the new bookshelf last night, unpacking the new notebooks for the notebooking project and arranging everything and my daughter said, "Okay, I'm ready to start school again." Can you believe it? This homeschool thing must be working! I'm excited about the things we are going to do and I guess it shows. At least I have one child who is eager and ready to start! I may start some kind of partial school program very soon and kind of ease them into it. I'd like to be able to take off a day during the year, anytime we want to, so it will be good to get an early start. Unless a water sport is involved, it is almost too hot to go outide here during the day anyway. Maybe we should school some now with the idea of taking off some of those beautiful fall days when the weather is perfect.


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    That's my approach. If you're stuck inside, may as well do school, LOL!

  2. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Fall is also a beautiful time for a school trip to Gatlingburg! I'm sure there are some wonderful educational things to do there. I'll force myself to go on a school trip for you! Kim

  3. That's really good of you. :-) I'll see if I can find a homeschool conference or something there this fall!
