Monday, July 04, 2005

The Red Button.

A few weeks ago, on our vacation, we had a really lovely hotel suite. It was very warm when we entered, so my husband turned on the air conditioning and we all got changed and went to the pool. I came back up to the room to get something we had forgotten and it was still very warm in there, maybe even warmer than before. I checked and the heat was on. We came back from the pool later and changed and went someplace else. When we came back, again, the room was hot. On questioning the kids, we discovered that our 7-year-old had liked the red button and had pushed it every chance he got, turning the heat on in our room. His Dad told him not to do it any more, explaining that in the summer we don't need the heat on.

The next day, we were in suite that our traveling companions were in and were playing games and we noticed that it was kind of warm. My cousin said "Dan, you didn't push that red button in our room did you?" You should have seen the look on his face. He looked down at the floor, hunched his shoulders and said very quietly and very, very reluctantly, "yes." That little booger had turned on the heat in their suite! I guess Dad had forgotten to tell him not to push the red button in other peoples suites!

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