Monday, July 04, 2005

Spell Check.

Last night I was working, doing medical transcription and I typed the phrase "The patient was seen by Dr. Blank whose admitting diagnosis was ..." but I spelled admitting wrong originally. I left out one T so it was admiting. I was hurrying through the spell check and accidently changed it so that it said "whose admiring diagnosis was ..." Funny, how just a couple of letters here can make such a big difference ... (Don't worry, I realized it and corrected it again!)

You've got to watch out for the spell check. One of my coworkers in the past accidently let the spell check change the word hemorrhoids to hammerheads. Let me tell you, that made for an interesting report. :-0


  1. You'll probably get a kick out of this. One of the nurse consultants at the public accounting firm I work for made the following notation on her timesheet one day, "consulted with a nursing home client regarding resident complaining of SOB." That got her a quick phone call from the partner wondering why she was referring to a client as an SOB. He was very red faced when she explained what that medical abbreviation means!

    Love the admiring diagnosis. I've got to watch for those on Medicare claims!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. LoL about the SOB / shortness of breath!

    So I'm not the only one who has spell check problems and puts admiring in the report!
