Thursday, April 21, 2005

Still 1/2 An Hour of School.


Last night we were going to bed and I told the kids to hurry because we still had a half an hour of school work to do ... listening to Maniac Magee on audiobook while in bed, in place of our usual story. I kind of scared them there for a minute, LoL.

We really have enjoyed this audiobook experience. The lady that is reading it does such a great job of characterizing all the voices, you can just see the people in your head. It's something.


  1. My kids love all kinds of audiobooks. My oldest daughter is 17 and at one point was legally blind, so we were able to get into the National Reading for the Blind program. ALmost every book you can imagine is available through them!

  2. They are great aren't they! We love them for when we go on vacation. They make car trips so much better, although my daughter will say "stop the tape, stop the tape!" every now and then and then when we stop the tape, she'll say "are we there yet?"
