Thursday, April 21, 2005

Achieving Balance.

I never can quite get there. Balance. Between school and work, housekeeping and grocery shopping, homeschool co-op meetings, kid's clubs and sports, I can't seem to find my balance, my breath or my sanity. Sigh.


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Who has balance in everything? Take a deep breath. It will get better, it sounds like one of those "days". Try to grab you some me time if you can.

  2. Thanks. I'm better now. You're right. No one balances it all perfectly. It's a juggling act.

  3. Yeah, what would I have to write about then?

  4. I think that is the hardest part of homeschooling. If we all had maids to clean and cooks to make wonderful meals, homeschooling itself would be a breeze!!

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