Thursday, April 21, 2005

My Advice For Child-Rearing.

I have said, since my older son was about 3, that parents have to take the child that they are given and do the best they can. What I mean by that is that all kids are different. They are born with a temperment of their own. You have to take it into consideration. Tonight my younger son didn't want to go to a boy's club event that his older brother was going to and someone said to me that it was because I homeschool him, that is why he wants to stay with mama all the time. Well, you know, he's been this way since birth and I only started homeschooling him 7 months ago! Grrr. Seriously, this is just the way this child is. I think he'll outgrow it. I think he'll be fine.

Tonight when I announced bedtime, the two older kids were in the kitchen eating toast (we really need groceries!) and they said "We're having a buttered toast party." My other son wasn't eating toast but was running around and bending side to side. He said "I'm having a run around and bend over party."

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