Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Settling into 2022.

 So far, (knock on wood), it's not as bad as last year.   Last year at this time I was dealing with kidney failure and chest pain and all kinds of stuff.  This year, though we've had snow and my son has run his car off the road twice trying to get to work, it's been more okay.    I'm not working that much so I'm getting a few small cleaning projects done (really few, really small) and working on my youtube channel.   My daughter and I have also started doing some volunteer work for   We've been going to cemeteries and locating graves and taking photos of the headstones.  It's interesting and I get a lot of walking done when we go.  When I'm thinking about what I'm looking for, I don't tend to think about if my knee hurts, or my ankle hurts, etc. and I've been getting an hour of walking at a time.  I'd never have the patience for that if we were just walking.  I'd get bored.   

We're still dealing with the (big) losses of last year, of course, but we're coping and we're making some future plans.   


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