We've moved to post wedding mode and I don't know about anyone else here, but my thoughts are turning towards Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm actually excited about the holidays this year. My daughter and I went last weekend and hit a fantastic sale at JoAnn fabrics on polar fleece and my daughter is going to be making some of the gifts this year. It feels good to have something started in that area. I have some other Christmas ideas too, so that's part of it.
Give a high five to Mr. Miller, our stray-turned-permanent resident. He's so cute. |
I've been working a lot. My co-worker, bless her heart, has been having a very difficult time so I've been doing her job. I hate it, but I'll do it for her. I guess. It's kind of killing me. I feel like the child in the edge of the pool, quietly drowning with nobody noticing, but I'm trying to keep my head above water and hang in there and hold the fort. (
All the metaphors or analogies, or whatever). Anyway, I should have a decent-sized nest egg for Christmas and hopefully, post-Christmas home improvements. :-) My husband says he'll do 1 major home project once a year and a new year is coming! I have a lot of plans. Now we need to (again) renegotiate just how big a "major" home project is. This year, he only replaced the upper boards on the back deck. There is some question in my mind if that is "major", but not in his. He says it is. (It only took 2 days and cost not a lot, so I'm saying it doesn't count!).
I did get the day off on Tuesday, went with my daughter to her migraine doctor appointment (still no changes in the migraines, despite all the things we've tried. :-( ) and got some cupcakes, as is our tradition. These are all gluten-free and amazing. Chocolate, carrot, lemon, and chocolate-strawberry.
Last night was a fun night for all of us in 3 separate areas. I met a friend and went to a fantastic Micah Tyler, David Crowder, Mercy Me concert, my husband went to guys night at a local barbeque restaurant and the young people had some friends over for a day/night of hiking in the beautiful fall woods, eating chili, making smores and playing video games. I don't know about everyone else, but I had a fantastic time. Those artists really, really bring their A-game to their concerts. I feel uplifted and on a high even though I ingested no substances and I am exhausted from all the working (8 hours) and then walking and stair climbing and concert dancing. It's a very, very good tired.
Today I'm watching Youtube with plans to play the Sims later and maybe take a nap.