Saturday, December 24, 2022

White Christmas? Yuck.

Okay, we have a lovely white Christmas this year and that means our son is stuck in the city, sleeping in the hospital where he works for the last 3 days and that our packages cannot be delivered so everyone won't get their presents. I know that second one is petty and small, but it is annoying. I'm really worried about my son trying to drive home tonight He wants to but I don't want him to. I'd rather ruin Christmas morning than everything. I've been through a lot of less than perfect Christmases in the past, cold weather, people being stuck all over the place. One year, my mom and I were stuck at home alone while my Dad, who had gone to pick up his mom was stuck at her house and my brother, who was trying to come home from college, got stuck at a friend's house. I think it was something like 20 below that Christmas (although that might have been the wind chill). I imagine that was kind of awkward, being at someone else's house for their family Christmas? We had an ice storm one Christmas and our electricity was off for several days, then just as it came back on, my son broke his collarbone while sledding. Anyway, I'm kind of annoyed but trying to make the best of it, trying to decide what to do and trying to keep my anxiety in check. It's really not working.

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