Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Our week-late Christmas.

 It went great.   We had a wonderful time.  I think everyone liked their gifts.  One thing I ordered was the wrong size.  It was a dressmaker dummy for my daughter.  I bought her clothing size, but it needed to be just a bit smaller here and there.  Short of asking her for her neck measurements (which would have been a little odd) I couldn't know.  The new one is already on the way.   We had a happy time.  We played some video games and some of the new board games.  Santorini was a big hit as was Cheating Moth.   In Cheating Moth, you HAVE to cheat.  There's no other way to get rid of some of your cards. They're not allowed in the discard pile.  So you have to put them somewhere.  Hilarity ensues as cards are dropped under the table and shoved up people's sleeves.   

Post Christmas, I've thrown my back out and my bestie has Covid so back to reality.

Prayers for my friend, please.  


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