Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Survived it!

 I survived my knee surgery.  I'm very happy about that.  It's been almost 3 weeks and I am doing quite well.  I am doing so, so, so much better than last time.  Last time, I got a knee with a bit more stability than the average knee, with a pin in it, is how the doctor described it.  This time, I just got a regular one.  I'm having some pain, but not nearly as much as the other time.  I'm already up and about, cooking and doing some cleaning.  The recovery time has been night and day.  Last time, just 2 1/2 weeks in, I was still basically just writhing in pain.  Now I feel that I have things to look forward to.  I'd like to walk a 5K this fall.  I'd like to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  I'm looking forward to not being handicapped for the first time since I was 24 years old and hurt my knee for the first time.  I'm going to have to learn to walk again, without a limp this time, and I'm a little worried about that, but hopeful. 

Everyone else is doing okay.   Daughter is doing a commission painting a Mary statue for someone and taking care of her dogs and me.   Youngest son is trying to get his job changed to second shift, but it's dependent on being able to hire someone and with the current subsidies and unemployment, people just don't want to work.  They keep hiring people and having them not show up.  So he's hanging in there, waiting.  It's hard to have a life on third shift, when you have to sleep when everyone else is out and about.   Oldest son is still doing his business in Mississippi and daughter-in-law is still working on her master's degree in anthropology.   They are going to come and visit us soon and we are very excited about that.  I hope to be walking better so that we can get out and do some things.   

Husband is still working from home and I am off work until probably around July 1 to recover from the knee surgery.  I've made myself a to-do list which includes getting some CEU credits for coding and working on my Youtube channel.   When that actually gets up and going with a lot of videos
on it, I will share it.  

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