Saturday, May 08, 2021

It seems crazy to me.

 That it is already MAY.    This year is both flying and crawling by.  I keep having doctor's appointments and assessments and surgeries and recoveries and altogether it is going to take up half my year, with me hopefully getting my knee surgery done and being recovered (mostly) by the end of July.  I am hopeful (it's the only way I can cope) that after that, I will feel decent and will be able to walk reasonably well without pain and I can then commence with my life.  I feel like I'm on pause right now.  I'm trying to deal with the frustration of that by getting some things done at home, but I feel like I'm failing at that too.  My knee is pretty bad so it's hard for me to walk outside to garden, to do much housework, etc.  I have launched a Youtube channel and I've put a couple of videos up on that.  That has given me something to do to occupy my time while I'm in limbo here.  I'm having my surgery next week and will be in healing limbo for weeks and weeks but then I'll be able to walk normally (I hope) without pain and I can get on with my life.   

We've been having some good times here and there amid the waiting.  I went back into work 3 days to help out and it was good to see everyone there again after several months of working at home.   We had a for-no-reason party last night and had a really nice time.  We made ourselves some of our favorite fruit dip (2 ingredients, cream cheese and marshmallow cream) and ordered a takeout dinner. Then we did Mad Libs for old time's sake (had a ball with them~!) and then played some board games.   It's just nice to do that sometimes.   

The weather here has alternated between rain and days that are breathtakingly beautiful.  It's been a nice spring and it's great that we have been able to get out and see people and go shopping in a limited way.  My best friend and I got to go shopping last Saturday and that was so great.  It had been over a year.   

I'll share some pictures of the things I've mentioned, plus probably a few extra of the cats and the dogs.  

Wish me luck this week!!  

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