Sunday, June 13, 2021

A Month In.

 I'm one month into my recovery from my knee surgery.   It's the point that you feel like you've been doing this FOREVER and you also feel that it's going to be another FOREVER until you can get back to normal.  Things are not normal.  My knee is feeling better and bending and moving well, but I have no strength or endurance.  I went to a graduation party yesterday.  I walked a little bit, went into my cousin's house, sat in one of their dining room chairs for about 2 1/2 hours talking to people, walked back out, came home, and collapsed, exhausted.   

It was nice to get out and see people.  My daughter went with me and no one had seen her for a while, so that was good.  She was helping with the decorations when one of my uncles said "why is she working on that, when she can paint like she does", which was a sweet compliment in a kind of weird way, but that's him.   My son went to meet their friends at the park while we were there.  Everyone at the party I was at asked about him as well.  It seems that no one knew he was working 3rd shift at the hospital so we got everyone updated on that.  :-)   

Speaking of his job, he may get to move to second shift soon.  They have hired someone for his job, which is great, so hopefully that will work out.   He got an award from his boss for taking the initiative at work and helping cover for someone who was out on leave.  

My oldest son also got a job this week.  He has had the worst luck with Covid ruining jobs for him, so we're relieved that he has found something at last.   

In home news, we're celebrating youngest son's 23rd birthday (which was Friday) by ordering pizza and making a cherry cheese pie this evening so that will be fun.  I can't believe how old he is!   We're all getting up there now!  

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