Friday, July 09, 2021

Now 2 months.

 I'm 2 months into recovery.  I'm so glad it is behind me.   It is not the most fun thing in the world as I'm still not feeling 100% great, but it's better.  I need to keep that in mind when I get discouraged with it taking so long.  I'm still not driving, but I think I will be able to start next week.  I'm starting work again next week, work at home.   I am ready emotionally, to go back into the office, but physically, I might need a few more weeks.  Right now we are stacationing, with my son and daughter-in-law from Mississippi here with us.  It's wonderful having all this family time.   We've been cooking a lot and playing a lot of games.  My sons have been cleaning out their childhood debris from their old room, which is really helpful to me.  I can thank my wonderful daughter-in-law for that.  She told my son he should do it for me and I really appreciate it.  We need to get the carpet taken out of that room soon as part of our ongoing home improvement and having less stuff will definitely make that easier.  We have a huge load that is going to go to Goodwill today.   I've been making inquiries about getting our first home project done in a long time and someone will be coming to look at the hall bathroom next week.  It's one of about 6 appointments I will have to work around my first week back to work.  Fun times.   Also next week, youngest son gets to go to second shift and hopefully will be able to resume his social life.  A social life is so difficult when you are on third shift and trying to sleep every minute you're not at work, but being awake at 5:00 in the morning, when no one else is.  

That's it from us.  I started this blog when youngest son was 6 and we started homeschooling.  Now he's 23, a college grad and working his first real job.  The days are long, the years are short!.  

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