Tuesday, March 09, 2021

This Blog.

 Homeschooling has long since been completed here.  I'm not sure why I still have this blog called Home School Home.  It's still our home and we are grateful for all the years homeschooling, thinking it is one of the best things we ever did.  But, alas, life moves on.  I probably am the person who benefits most from this blog.  It's handy to have such a family history.  I often use the search feature on the blog to look things up, for example, when we got Zoey or Zelda, and yesterday I used it to look up whether or not my daughter needs a tetanus shot after an injury yesterday.  I looked it up and saw that she had one more than 5  years, but less than 10 years ago and so she does need one.  Thanks blog!  

I'm going to spend some time today downloading this family history and storing it on our hard drives here at home because I live in fear that Blogger will become unprofitable and be taken down and I will lose all my information.  

I thought about getting it published as a book, but it's so massive, I don't know if anyone could do it.  It has been a long, long, time I've been blogging here.  

If you've been around for the ride, thanks for reading.  I'm not going to stop blogging all together, as I enjoy coming on here to update occasionally.   

I don't really want to share an update today because 2021 is already not my favorite year, but we're still here, we're still alive and mostly doing okay.   I'm loving this song right now:   


It rings so true because I certainly don't have it all together.   

My son launched a company to sell these amazing hammocks that he makes, so I'll share that link too.  



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