Monday, November 30, 2020

The Christmas Season is beginning!

 Christmas season is upon us.  We had a lovely, quiet Thanksgiving at home, but we missed getting together with our extended family.  We haven't seen anyone since last month.  Thankfully, we got out a tiny bit back then to go to birthday parties and stand in driveways outside and talk.  I think it was possibly the only time this year we've seen some of them.  

With just the 4 of us for Thanksgiving, we cooked our own feast and just had what we wanted. We roasted a chicken, made dressing, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, green beans, gravy, rolls and pies, pies, pies.   It was great and we are still eating some of it, several days later. 

I blog so seldom lately that I can't keep up with what I've put on here.   Did I mention that we adopted a new dog?   He apparently needed my daughter (He really did.) and he has now joined our family. His name is Frederick Von Spookington a.k.a. Freddie, which is a nod to Freckie.   He's young and he's learning and he's big enough to get on his hind legs and get things off the countertop.  His adoption necessitated us installing barn doors between our kitchen and living room.  This has been wonderful.   It has cut down on noise between the two rooms and with the 4 of us and 2 dogs stuck here at home all the time, it helps to have 2 kind of separate living spaces.  It also helps keep the dog out of the kitchen sink which is very important to us all.   

Back to thoughts of the Christmas season, I've uncharacteristically gotten some of my Christmas shopping done already.  It just has been such a year, I think we all need it to get in the Christmas spirit to try and keep our spirits up.   My latest thing, after this year of trying to do different jobs and cover for others and work all the time, is now working at home, which I will be doing for the next while.  I miss my co-workers and am more distracted at home, but it's okay I guess.  This week I'm glad to be protected from getting the virus as I prepare to take my coding test next weekend.  (big sigh).  I'm praying my daughter and I both pass the darn thing this time.  I don't know what we will do if we don't.  I don't know if I'll have a job after February if I'm not a coder.  

We've done okay through the pandemic and I hope you have too.  Keep your spirits up.  I believe it will eventually be over.  

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