Sunday, November 15, 2020

Mid November Already.

 I can't believe it.  I know it's been a weird year, but for our family,  it hasn't been an awful year.  We've been very fortunate in some ways.  Life has gone on.  There have been some positives.  We still have our jobs (at the moment anyway).  Youngest son got his job and he likes it.  Oldest son switched jobs and (I think) likes it better. (I'll have to ask him next time he calls which I hope is today!).  The weather has been okay.  We've gotten some improvements done on the house.  We got the bedroom flooring done.  We got new shutters.   A few small things here and there are adding up.   I've lost a tiny bit of weight, but it's better than gaining a ton, which is my norm.   My daughter has 3 commissioned art pieces to do for Christmas.   Oldest son and daughter-in-law might be able to come here for Christmas.   They both work at home, so they're pretty much quarantining all the time.   I might get to start working at home too, maybe next week.  I'm trying not to be too excited about it because it might not happen and if it does happen, it might not last long.  The 2 ladies who currently work the front desk are pretty fragile and I may be asked to step in there again.  We're getting to go back to church again, with stringent precautions of course, but getting to go feels good.   In working all these hours I haven't wanted to work, I've saved up a pretty decent little nest egg.  Not wealth, but nice to have a little saved.   It's a good thing too, because our heat pump has quit working and is going to need to be replaced.   

When you watch the news, it's hard to stay hopeful, but it helps to just make a list of things that are going well lately, things that worked out, things that you can be happy about.   

I'm getting excited about Christmas a little bit and planning ways that we can make the holidays fun even if we can't get out and do things or see extended family.   

Now if we can just past that darn coding exam!  Attempt 2, here we come!   

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