Monday, December 21, 2020

And Now It's Going too Fast!

It's the 21st already!    We aren't celebrating officially this year until the 27th, but still!   It just always goes so very, very quickly and I never feel ready.  I think I'm going to have to be one of those people who puts the tree up and starts listening to Christmas music on the day after Halloween.   Or I'll plan to, then procrastinate it and get busy and really actually get the tree up the week before Thanksgiving and give myself an extra week.  That sounds like a plan. 

I hope if anyone is reading this, they are doing well.  I wish you a happy holiday season.   We are doing okay.  We've almost gotten through 2020.    I guess maybe I could do some updates.

Oldest son is doing good in his new job, having changed jobs several times during 2020 because of the pandemic.  

Daughter-in-law is doing well in her master's program.

Husband still working at same job, on a slightly different team, but working at home completely since March.

I passed my coding exam and have to have knee surgery (blah) and we'll see what 2021 brings.  I want it to bring increased mobility, weight loss and a good job.

Daughter did not pass coding.  I think it was just too much without having a medical background.  They should not sell the classes to newbies in my opinion, but I guess they just want their money.  :-(   She's going to re-group and come up with another idea.  She didn't really like coding.   She's good at pretty much everything she tries so I'm sure she'll find something.

Youngest son is still doing well at his job as a temp for the company I also work for and hopefully will get officially hired by the company soon.  He has plans to buy a car, then a house.  

Dogs 1 and 2, Cosmo and Freddie, are still settling after the new addition of Freddie a couple of months ago.  Still kind of stressed but hopeful will settle in soon.

Cats, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Zelda, Zoey, Duncan, Squinch, and Mr. Miller doing well, fat and happy, tormenting the dogs when they get a chance.  

We're looking forward to the holidays, eating, visiting and hanging out together.  


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