Sunday, August 23, 2020

It's over.

 I don't know if we passed our failed and won't know for a couple of weeks, but my daughter and I sat for our first examination in medical coding.   It was brutal but we survived.  Now no more studying before work, on the way to work, (at work) and after work.  I'm taking a break to reconnect and rediscover who I am as a person.   I'm going to read some books, play some games and relax for a bit.   

I recently listened to this Podcast called "Rest is More than Sleep.  What kind of tired are you?" and I feel like I'm all the kinds of tired.   I know all of us are tired of COVID, tired of the media crap show, tired of protests and social unrest, tired of election stuff, just tired.  Try and take care of yourselves readers.  Go outside with  your kids, explore nature, go for long walks, try and enjoy the last bit of summer.   Take it easy on yourself.    That's what I'm going to try to do.  

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