Sunday, September 20, 2020

Okay, trying to get the courage to start again.

 Both of us failed our coding exams.  It's pass-fail, it's not like there's a grade.  It would be easier to say I got a "C", but if you miss it by one point, it's a fail.  I literally missed it by one point.   So now, we have to schedule the test, make a study schedule and try again.   Please pray we pass it.   It's excruciating.  

In other news, we're still in limbo, it feels like, because of the stupid coronavirus.   We're getting out and doing a few things but being cautious.  I have been out now and had dinner with friends.  The young adults are getting out and seeing their friends at a park or something a couple of times a month.  As I said above, the coding quest is not going well and the job hunt for my son is not going well either.   He hurt his back when we were on vacation and that is limiting his prospects for jobs, since he is reluctant to do warehouse jobs and that seems to be all that there is out there right now.   

I'm still working a lot more than I want because my co-worker is still out with a broken leg and the person we hired to fill in for her just found out that she also has a broken leg (Friday afternoon) and has been walking around on it for 3 weeks.   I have no idea what that's going to mean for my work schedule, but it doesn't sound good, does it?  

I am angry at the virus and what I feel might be an over-response to it by the government (I really don't know) but it is freeing a lot of kids from the public school system and that's going to be really good, life changingly good for some of them, the ones that don't fit in, the bullied, the outcasts.  I am trying to be patient with all of the restrictions in my life, for those kids.  For some of them, this might be the best thing that ever happened to them.   

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