Monday, August 17, 2020

This week.

 My test is this week.  I am, of course, also scheduled to work 40 hours this week and with driving, that means I'm gone around 50  hours from home.  I'm going to try and study as much as I can, but I don't know how much good it will do.  I just spent the weekend studying and testing and I barely tested, one of the times, at 70% and that was on a test that I had had before and had studied the answers.  I'm just really bad at coding.  This whole thing may just be a lesson on how to deal with failure.  Oh well.  At least, one way or the other, I'll be done with it. 

Pray I make it through the week without any meltdowns.  After this, I will write a bit about what we're doing otherwise, and how we're getting through 2020.   It's already more than halfway through August!  

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