Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Moving on to January.

Yesterday was Epiphany, also known as 3 kings day and the official end of the 12 days of Christmas.  So yesterday, the kids finally started taking the Christmas decorations down.  The whole house was decked out, so it still isn't quite done this morning, but it's mostly there.  We don't usually celebrate Epiphany but youngest son, because he loves Christmas so much, has decided that is when we un-decorate --- no sooner!  So I decided we should also have a feast, but then I had to work and didn't feel like making one when we got home.   I looked up traditional foods for this festival and found that in some places, this is the day that they have a king cake, a green, yellow and purple cake that has a plastic baby or a bean hidden in one piece so that whoever gets the special piece is the lucky one.  We ended up doing the "I'm tired and haven't felt good for several WEEKS" version, which was gluten free blueberry muffins with a huge blueberry in one of them, making that the special/lucky one.  Youngest son got it, as was fitting since we wouldn't have done any of this without his love of Christmas.  I would have taken the tree down on December 26th, because about 4:00 p.m. on December 25th I felt DONE with Christmas.

I still feel awful, my head is buzzy and stuffy and I feel like I may go into another bout of vertigo any minute.  Let me tell you, that puts a damper on everything.  I don't want to do anything.  Nevertheless, I am still working (a couple of days a week), studying my medical coding when I feel like it and can, and trying to get back on the diet and exercise bandwagon.  I made some cabbage soup the other day that was really good and hopefully, the fact that it's very low calorie and I've been eating a lot of it, will help kickstart my weight loss this year.  I've set a goal of losing 40 pounds.  I lost 30 pounds in 2019, but then gained 10 of it back during the holiday season, which is frustrating, but I'm still coming out ahead, so I'm trying to focus on that and also trying to decide whether to go to the doctor for my head buzz situation.  :-/

Mexican Cabbage Soup (I added a packet of taco seasoning).

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