Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Finishing chapter 5.

I finished chapter 5 of my coding course the other day (I should be further along, but that's a post for another day).  While I was taking the 2-hour timed exam with lots of practical coding that I had to do (no quick answers), our internet went down for about 15 minutes, twice.  I was a little worried that I was going to need my second attempt and that maybe I didn't know the material well enough and having to also deal with the internet being down was about all I could take.  I yelled into the other room for my family to pray for me and maybe reset the router ...   My husband reset the router and it eventually worked, but while I was still waiting, my daughter walked into the room and silently laid 3 mini Snickers bars on my desk.  Ah chocolate, the help in my distress.


Yes, I'm very dramatic this morning, but it's been that kind of week. 

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