Saturday, December 28, 2019

Well, it's kind of over.

We've still got 2 Christmas parties to go to.  One this weekend and one next.  I'm very glad that some of the family parties are after Christmas, because there's just too much to do before Christmas and during the actual holiday week.  It's exhausting.  We had a nice one but, of course, several of us got sick, as usual.   The gifts were a hit, overall, I think.

This new game, Tsuro, was a hit.

Our granddog Remus, visited for Christmas.

I got to play one of my favorites, Concept.  

We made ourselves a bunch of treats for Christmas eve, including this fruit tray and dip to go with it.   
 My oldest son really loved the hoodie I got him.  It may be too heavy to wear in Mississippi, but I guess we'll see.  It might be good for early mornings, walking the dog.   With the rest of the presents, I just basically bought what they asked for, but they were pleased.   I didn't get any studying done for my course and I started back to that yesterday.  Time to get back into the pattern of work, studying, housework and trying to lose weight. 

We got several more board games and the ones we've played so far, we like.

It was a good Christmas.

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