Thursday, January 23, 2020

Still working on it.

I'm still trying to get through my coursework.  I'm still not enjoying it very much, but I'll live.   I'm trying to have a lot of discipline and get a lot of it done, but yesterday and today, not so much.  It's hard to be disciplined every day of the week, so I have been taking some days, well, not off, but only working lightly.  Yesterday, for example, I just read part of a chapter and did 3 chapter exercises.  Today and tomorrow, I'm planning to finish chapter 6 and get a good solid start on chapter 7.  Whew, it is very hard to teach an old dog new tricks.  Meanwhile, everything else is getting put off until my daughter and I can finish this course and take our test.  The home remodeling, day trips, all kinds of things are waiting until we get done.  It's frustrating because I really want the home remodel done.   My husband has agreed to 2 one major home project done each year (which is better than none, I guess) but we have 3 more rooms to go and I am so ready to just get it done, done, done. 

Cosmo is not an old dog and he's learning new tricks all the time.  This is him trying to get me to play patty cake (pat a cake?) with him because he knows if I do, he'll get a treat.  

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