Saturday, December 21, 2019


Oldest son and only daughter-in-law (so far) are here and we're celebrating.  The only cloud over the event is that 2 of us are sick.  Both oldest son and I have colds.  I'm off to the store this morning to get some Robitussin and cough drops.  I don't know why this ALWAYS has to happen.  When we were together in October, at least 3 of us had colds.  It's frustrating.  Anyway, despite that, we're having a good time.   We gave them the first gift the first night they arrived, it was cloaks for everyone.  I bought the fabric and my daughter made them.  They are made of polar fleece and go to the floor and have hoods, so they are great for keeping them warm.  It's also fun to think about what it would be like if they all wore them someplace and just walked in a line or something.  It would be hilarious.  It's a funny sight, seeing all 4 of my young adults in floor-length hooded cloaks, but they're warm and they love them.  :-) 

Then last night, we opened the board games that we bought this year.  So far, we've played 2, Cover Your Kingdom and another one that has a dragon on it ... maybe I'll think of that later.  We had a good time playing, but I was kind of tired from being sick and working, so hopefully, over the weekend, I'll feel better, my son will feel better, no one else will get sick and we'll have some fun.  We have an anniversary party to go to this afternoon and youngest is working today.  The work and the partying are going to be relentless for the next few days but we'll manage to have fun despite it, I'm sure. 

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