Monday, December 09, 2019

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

We got the tree and other decorations up last night!  Mostly I sat and looked through boxes of ornaments while the kids decided where they went on the tree and arranged it all very carefully.  It turned out beautiful.  I had a little bit of an emotional time of it, because I opened a box that had all my mom's old ornaments in it, so there were a few tears, but mostly it was good. 

I think I forgot to blog last week about youngest son getting a job!  He had an interview Wednesday at Hobby Lobby and started Thursday.  He has since worked 2 days.   He doesn't hate it, so that's a good sign.  And, best of all, he (we) gets a Hobby Lobby discount!! Also, oldest son and his wife will be here in 9 days!!  Christmas time is a-coming!  I got about 75% of my shopping done yesterday online and just have to make a couple of little store trips, so this year, I have not yet turned into the Grinch.   We'll see next week when I have to do my co-worker's job again for 2 days.  I'm not ruling it out.

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