Monday, December 02, 2019

Feeling Blessed.

I had a good Thanksgiving weekend, despite having to work on Friday.  I got a lot of studying done on my course I'm taking, a lot of things done around the house and made and ate a good bit of yummy food.  My stuffing came out really great this year.  Yesterday, for Thanksgiving at my brother and his new wife's home, we had soup and my potato soup was really good too.  I'm a very hit and miss kind of cook, so I consider this a victory.  I had some really great conversations with people I love, played some games and sang some karaoke.  Great weekend.

It's 4 a.m. and I'm getting ready for work.  Thankfully my good mood is still with me.  I'm usually pretty grouchy on my early mornings.

Also, my Christmas cactus thinks it's a Thanksgiving cactus.

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