Saturday, November 23, 2019

Made it.

I made it through my week, 40+ hours of working for my co-worker and trying to do my job as well.  There was some crying, some whining and some throwing up - I was seriously stressed, but I survived it.  The time does pass, thank goodness.  I haven't got my report yet on how I did.  My co-worker will come back Monday and probably will let me know what I did wrong.  Oh well, whatever.  I did my very, very best.   I have no doubt of that.

One interesting thing that happened as this paper fell out of the fax machine and stood up on end for several minutes - long enough for me to go around the desk, get my phone out of my purse and take a couple of pictures.

Onto next week.  Another one of our team has put in their resignation, so I don't know what the future may hold.

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