Friday, March 15, 2019

It's getting real.

I'm going to have to have major surgery in a few weeks.  After my last surgery on my parotid gland, I said I was never going to have another surgery, but here I go again.  I don't want to, but I have to do something.  My knee is so very, very, very bad.  Yesterday I went to the rheumatologist and reported that I was feeling pretty good, very little pain, then went to the grocery and my knee decided to see how bad it could be.  I barely got out of the grocery store still upright and could barely walk for the rest of the day.  Thankfully, my knee joint slid back into place or whatever it does while I was sleeping last night and I was able to work today. 

We've had a good week this week.  I enjoyed work both of the days that I worked (doing my own job, not my co-workers!) and my daughter and I went on an adventure on Wednesday to get gluten free treats for her and to a goat dairy to get some goat's milk and cheese for me.  It was fun.  She started her new very part time job this week, which I'm very happy about.  It's a good opportunity for her and will help her have something to put on her resume.  She's acting as an assistant to her art teacher, helping the kids find things and directing them to the supplies they need and showing them how to do some of the techniques.  It's right up her alley, getting to use some of her art skills.

Two more good weeks, then a bad week working for my co-worker when she goes on a vacation for spring break and then the surgery.

I'll be glad when that is all behind me.

I am still having fun with my letter board.

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