Sunday, March 24, 2019

Still in limbo.

I'm still in limbo, waiting for surgery.  It's something like 17 days away right now.   I've got to go for my preop testing tomorrow and I'll have to miss the day of work for that.   I'm still going to have to cover for my co-worker next week, all week, but they have sent someone down to train as the back-up, back-up for that job so she will be there to help me.  We can work on it together and hopefully when I'm gone she'll be able to do the job and when I come back, I'll be able to do the job better.  I gave her my notes and hopefully, she'll give me her notes and we can approximate what the main worker does all the time in that position.  The actual daily duties are very small and take maybe one hour a day and then the rest of the 8 hours is dealing with whatever situation comes your way, by phone or by people actually walking in and handing you things.  It's very stressful.  I'm almost dreading working those days more than I'm dreading the surgery.  Almost.

But anyway, I'm trying to get everything done so that if the surgery really knocks me out of commission for a month, I'll have some things done.  I got the main part of my Easter shopping done today.  I've got about a billion phone calls to make and a bunch of tiny details to attend to.  I hope to get those done mostly this week, then next week I'll work 40 hours for my co-worker to go to spring break and the following week is the surgery.


Here's some art my daughter has been doing, just to share a good thing.  :-)

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