Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Countertops again.

Countertops done!

Here's the link from when we painted them brown 10 years ago.  (My daughter was 12!).  It looked good at the beginning, but 10 years of constant wear and tear and they looked like this.

Then they looked like this, smooth matte black.  We kind of actually liked it. 

The solid matte black was actually a big improvement.  But, now, after 5 hours of sponge painting, they looked like this, ready for the top clear coat. 

And now with the top coat. 

Now all that's left is the caulk.    It looks fantastic.  The top coat has glitter in it, so it's sparkly.  We love it.  I keep running my hand over it, every time I pass by.  :-)   I'll let you all know if we have problems with it chipping, etc.  We may put another top coat on in the future, to ensure that it keeps looking like this. 

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