Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Life Goes On, It's March!

I'm still working at the hospital,  (Some day I may look back at this and think "Oh yeah, I was still working at the hospital then!")  but I don't know if I will forever.  I like it okay.  I really don't like having to do my co-worker's job when she is out, but I think I'm getting a little bit better at it.  There's a good team of people there and they answer questions and pitch in if I don't know how to do something and together we muddle through.   I feel like I'm saying "thank you" all day long when I work for her but it's necessary, because everyone is so helpful and I still have to ask a lot of questions.  Hopefully, it will get better.  I think this is maybe my 8th day of that job?  I've been in my position for a year and almost a half, but her job, it's really just been a few times since last August.  I hope I don't bug them all too much.  That's my main worry at this point. 

We're still working very slowly on remodeling the house.  I will share pictures of the countertops if we get them done this week.  That's the plan.  So far, we've done kitchen flooring, painted the front door, painted one of the walls that has been beat up by having boys in the house, painted the kitchen and bathroom, painted the baseboards, put a deck box on the porch to contain all of my husband's tools (making the porch look 1000% better), got new living room furniture and rug and entertainment center and pillows and finished our gallery wall.  Still to do is a huge list, including flooring in 4 more rooms  - - - it just never ends when you're a homeowner, it seems.  Renting looks more appealing sometimes but my son and daughter-in-law are renting and it seems that they have to call the landlord a lot about things, so I don't know.  I guess that's just life. 

  I'm looking at knee surgery in just a few weeks now.  I'm going to be doing some prep for that, seeing other doctors and getting lab work and stuff done.  I'm going to make a list of things I want to accomplish while I'm off work, so the time is not wasted.  I want to finish my afghan, do some reading of real books and not just social media, possibly write a book and stay on my diet and lose some more weight.  I hope this list does not all go to pot when I get home from the hospital.  :-P 

Today, I'm doing one of the doctor's appointments and I want to go to Whole Foods and get some weird flours so maybe I can do some better baking.  This week I made weird oat flour blueberry muffins that kind of tasted like pretzels.  I don't really want to repeat that!  They were really, really bad.   So far on my diet, I can have buckwheat, millet, amaranth and oat flours, and I think they need to be mixed together to come up with some kind of flour blend, so that it doesn't taste too much like any of these.   So far, I've tried the buckwheat and oat flours and I don't really care for the flavor of either.  I hope the other 2 are more bland.  Oh, also, I can have soybeans, coconut and almonds on my list, so there are 3 more flours I can try.  I can't afford to buy all of them though, these things are pricey.  I'll see what I can find.

This is just a kind of a "stream of consciousness" post, isn't it?  Sorry, that's just how my crazy brain works (or doesn't). 

Have a great day!!

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